= M I N G   =


This is Ella.
I call her miss politeness.
This is Beau
who looks very handsome and cool but he's a big baby.
Barry. He's a badboy but secretly loves attention.
Amélie is an angel and shaped like a friend.
I live in a house with four very affectionate balls of white fur
Hi!! Welcome to my page :D
Some things about me:
I study animation and I dabble in illustration and comics. I'm very much into creating work that feels like a warm hug or a hot cup of tea (or another nice beverage!)
I use art as a medium to explore what it means to be human.
For my animation stuff you can take a look at my Vimeo!!
...And for the rest I have my Instagram :O
yes this is an important fact about me
that you should know.
Shameless self promotion? On MY hotglue page? It is more likely than you think.
This is some stuff I did while during the partial lockdown.
I have a lot more time to work on personal stuff like this hahaha
I enjoy playing games as well. Of course I spent a lot of time with the covid hit title animal crossing new horizons and I'm also replaying the ace attorney trilogy.
I also love SSB Melee B-)
I love Cesar, look at this funky little man

'Designs for the pluriverse'
Designing with a purpose and potential for a social shift is one thing. But how do you realise this potential? Can you speak of influential design without investing in the marketing of a concept/product?
On that note, how much change is necessary before we can speak of design that causes a societal change?
I'd say that an example of such design would be the printing press, but it is a rather old and perhaps grotesque example.


'The distorted dream of an industrial technological paradise is being replaced by the more viable dream of a mutually enhancing human presence within an ever-renewing organic-based Earth community. The dream drives the action.'

The information circulation network I came up with is based on the natural flow of water though Amsterdam. By making use of the canals as pathways and as a carrier for messages, you create a broad network that spreads across the city. Not only does it circulate, it also branches out into bigger waters.

- Your activism might not make a difference on a effective scale due to a smaller audience reach.
- You have to put in a lot of effort to reach anyone at all. You have to convince others, or force them for that matter, to see you.
People might be standoffish or view you as an oddity, it is up to you to work with that initial distance.

- Your actions get a deeper and more profound meaning to the audience. It is small scale, it sparks a more personal note.
- Often, large scale action requires a lot of connections and you are dependent on big networks.
-Sometimes something small is enough to spark something. You could think of- and execute a public action within a few hours.

Logged on this map are the routes I take from one home to the other. Blue is the route I take by bike and pink are the several routes I take for strolls. Very little information gets in and out within these routes, but some things do. For example on the left yellow marker there's a nest of swans and their young. Whenever I walk past this spot there's usually other people watching the young birds. Keeping track of how many young there are left and how the area around the nest has developed is apparently a popular thing to do for people living in the neighbourhood.
The concept I had for the alternative speakers corner was to put up a network of support that shares jokes and funny stories with your neighbors. This is based around the notion that during quarantine, a primary part of interactions with others and general 'outside time' is spent in the supermarkets. When someone from your household returns from shopping, this may feel like a natural reaction:
Alternative Speakers Corner
This network of messages would be placed alongside the lines that customers form in front of busy supermarkets. Here, people gather and have to wait anyway, so some entertainment is welcomed. The jokes and messages are also a form of interaction with individuals from outside your household. Customers are encourages to leave notes on old receipts or shopping lists, or just a regular old post it. It's in my opinion a charming way of shaping community with the people around you, and a conversation starter in times where others can seem distant.
Unfortunately this concept was shot down by my local supermarket, saying they already have a bulletin board hosted within the facility. Which is true I suppose, but that is not a novelty and has a set function and is modestly used commercially while this would be purely for the sake of shaping unity and community. However I do understand the criticism that they cannot keep their eye on it outside business hours and can't prevent vandalism or littering.
My idea for distributing the publication would be taking several bottles with the printed publication inside and dropping them at several points in the Amsterdam canals.
Hopefully, though this method the publication will spark interest by the finder and will also serve as a way to explore distributing over a lapse of time. Who knows when the messages will be found, and by whom? In such a way, it could also be seen as a time capsule through the canals.
I reached out to a friend of a friend, who is in extension a friend of mine, I suppose. He lives in Florida, USA. Before this we've had some offhand comments on the current situation but I think this is one of the first conversations we've had that were more personal and emotional. I had to wait for a while before he responded to my message due to the time difference, and it struck me how big the distance between us was. To talk about someone's experiences with the same problems all across the sea was something special. He talked about how the situation in Florida was quite dire, but he luckily didn't have to fear for his family since they live in a remote area away from the suburbs. He mentioned they were thinking of getting chickens, to be more self sufficient.

I grouped with Maya for the resit period. After all these months of isolation it was refreshing to work together again.
Since the lockdown was basically over for her, while I was already back in Armenia in a full quarantine, we couldn’t relate the COVID isolation of April anymore. First, we had the idea of doing a projection mapping and sharing thoughts of people on buildings, so basically having the contrast of small bits of personal thoughts on big, uncomfortable spaces. This took us to a conversation about our current situations, and we realized that, in a way, we have similarities in our background: some current political heat, the socialist past, a lot of abandoned spaces.
We thought it’s more relevant and more open (educational, why not) to combine our current situations, common historical past and connect our project to it.

Also, we noticed how the quarantine detached people from the world, as everyone was literally interacting with their own close, small environment (room, laptop screen), so we wanted to create a space where people could just share simple images from their lives and see, learn what life is like in other parts of the world.

We thought of making collages with all these scenes/buildings and distribute it as posters around with short texts about human survival/class struggle/social conditions, however, not in a very sophisticated way.
For collecting images and sharing with people, we thought opening an Instagram and taking people’s submissions of places they live in, or just images from their city that mean something to them. This could be an Instagram page for instance. That would also allow to create a network and share personal images of scenery, to make these collective images (collages) and talk about really simple, human actions and encourage humans to share their visual environments with each other and think about questions, especially after/during a pandemic that has made us question a lot.

Our audience is every citizen, every person who evern walks around or just wonders how people further than they are living.