Brenda Laurel,

Generative, the power that something has to grow and procreate.

Formative, giving a grate to something based on there way of working.

What she is saying in a interview on youtube is something that got me thinking about that: "We which that we got to figure out what to make in stead of how to make".
Excersise 1 - Scribble on the wall
10 april 2020
My name is Thara Nabbe and I'm a second year Product Design student.
I'm still living in the south of The Netherlands with my parents. So being at home is for me 'normal' at this moment.
Ofcourse this whole quarantine period is weird for everybody. It should be super nice if we can create a project together.
During the quarantine time I created a really good ritme for myself. Starting the day with a small run of walk, cuddling with the dog, working on school till 5 pm, cooking and enjoying the evening with FaceTime my lovely friends.
I just put a paper on the wall and made blocks with tape. Every time a just the same tape to create a block. On the end the pieces of tape where really interesting of the color combinaties that I made.
During the quarantine I also had to find a new netflix serie and I came up with 'Pandemic'. During this period this serie is of course really relevant. Not only to know more about the whole situation but also how those people are finding a solution or a way how to deal with this situation. I think as a designer the topic that are in the world are really important for the way of designing.
Later on at my wall I also read an article about 'We're not going back to normal'. This article is a really different way of thinking if you compare it to the serie but to see more views is something that you need to consider as a designer. Ofcourse you have a way of working and a specific thought but finding the boundaries in your way of working.
Excersise 2 - The act of reading
Design for the Plurivers
Point 1 :
Agency, After the four points the world changed and design supported their life
Point 2 :
Belong to more places in the world but this can be local and global
Point 3 :
Work with people
Point 4 :
Everybody is a designer
A new way of working because there are a lot of people who can give new imput
Problem solving and sens making
We designed a chair for don't get our butt dirty.
Making a meaning.
Art or design?
Purpose or functional?
What is it doing and when?
Systems can be both
= You can be both. Being an artist or a designer, use the field to understand your work.
Plural = one
Universe = multipul
= Conversation with more than one person. Shows what you can do together, ask questions where someone else can answer.
Quotes from the text
"Today, difference is embodied for me most powerfully in the concept of the pluriverse, a world where many worlds fit, as the Zapatisita put it with stunning clarity".

"My interest in information and communication technologies put me in touch with the digital dimension of design through the work of thinkers like Brenda Laurel, Pierre Lévy and Paul Virlio".

"A main goal of the book is to ask whether design can actually contribute to enabling the communal forms of autonomy that underlie these transtion vision and Life Projects".
Marcel Duchamp, a good example what the envoirment can do with a object.
Hanne Darboven a German conceptual artist, filtered her experience of life through time.
Ohne Title Monate mit Postkarten, juni 1990
Urinoir, 1917
More inspiration
One and Three Stools, 1965 - Josheph Kosuth.

One and Three Chairs which consists of a wooden chair, a photograph of the same chair, and the dictionary definition of a chair. 'When objects are presented within the context of art they are as eligible for aesthetic consideration of an object existing in the realm of art means that the judgement'.
Interior with monochromes, 1981 - Richard Hamilton.

Interior with monochromes is a print made from a collage, showing deconstructed view of an interior. On a sheet of white paper, Hamilton rooms so that the line where the wall meets the celling is continuous form one crop to the next.

Bringing together works that could reasonably be labelled 'interior' he found that art was as often the subject as that they were about rooms.
The context of my publication can change the answers of a dialog.
Combining different answers to create a new view of living now a days.
Photograph by drones, 2020 - Adas Vasiliauska.

No human contact during the quarantine was a big problem for photographs in general. Adas Vasiliauskas, used a drone to take pictures of people stuck in quarantine and proved that being forced to stay at home isn’t as boring as it may sound.
This project is a nice different approach of creating a photo serie.
Excersise 3 - Tuning in
Question to create a conversation with people who I can't visit
Not only words but structure, forms and objects can give a view of how someone is living in those times.
Question 1 :
What is the first word that came up in your mind when you think about this period?
Question 2 :
Which rules are changing your daily life?
Question 3 :
Which object in your room reflected this pandemic?
Question 4 :
Take a picture of the room where you are most of the time.
Question 5 :
If you would buy a decoration piece for your room what would it be? Think about this situation while you choose a decoration piece.
Those answers are coming form a girl in The Netherlands. She is studying Graphic Design.
Natural communication and circulation system
Those answers are coming form a boy who is born in Mexica and live in Rotterdam. He is studying Product Design.
Those answers are coming from a boy that is born in The Netherlands, but he is living in de UK at this moment.
This natural circulation is something super interesting. The way how the earth is turning around the sun is super weird and something that I almost can't imagine. But having a super big impact of creating a night and day in this circulation that is not visible is what me keep busy.

Every evening when I is possible I go to the pastures to see the different colors that are creating by the sun.
Different conversations with different peopele
I made those pictures the last few weeks but when I look back to them, is this a communication from the world. I don't now what the world would communicate with us, but the connection that we get between people is super cool.

Everybody is posting pictures of an amazing sky on Instagram to show what they are doing. In those times sharing and seeing the same thing can help become more closer.
Examples to meet and connect
Central Saint Martins is a art school in the UK. One of their student created a platform on Instagram where you can send you're story to and share it with the world.
Thoughts and sketches after those conversations
Sharing your daily life on social media is something that could help to create less distance between you and your friends or family. But really speak to each other is for more people way more valuable. Those cabinets are made for talking to people who are in a dangerous positie. Think about your grandparents. But with in this way you can speak to them and see them in real life.
When I wrote all those things down I felt that the connection between people is less strong when you can't share something personal.

For the publication I would create a place, thing or object where you can share something personal for someone else. It can be something that you only would tell to a certain person but share it to the world can also be a possibility.
Going to a restaurant is something that is really hard in those times. But having a diner in a small cabinet with someone how you are in quarentine with is possible. Dining in a small cabinets give not only a safe feeling but also a really personal feeling. That is something that people need when I talked to them in the conversations.
During this pandemic I'ms super busy with my portfolio. But next to working on the way how I would show my work creating stuff and folding paper is one of my favorites.
Ideas Performative action
If I look back to my research with people who I can't speak to at this moment and the natural circulations there is one big thing.

Everybody is missing the fysiek feeling of a person in there soundings. But on the same hand we are all on the same world under the same sky! To create a more connection with others why not making together our own sky. This can be something really cool to create a physical sky together, to sit under and think about everybody who is creating this together.

It can become a wall of a celling where you really can sit under.
This book is from Brenda Laurel and is for every creative person interesting to read
People who you don't know are taking pictures of the sky in there own neighborhood or place where they live.
Connected them all together to create a sky were we are connected to each other.
Next step 25/05
My main focus after this small research is bringing people back together because that is the biggest thing what they are missing all over the world.

But how can I implement there story in to the sky? And how can I put all those stories together to create a sky were we all can be together and feeling the energie of everybody.
This project is created by someone who was everyday alone during quarantine. Every evening 1,5 hour before the sunset se took pictures from her window.
This project is a good example of telling a story with a picture.
Excersise 4 - Bridging the distance
Humanity isn't a disease
James Turrell, skyspace
In the skyspace form Turrell you can see the square in the celling where the sky creates a new atmosphere.

When the colour of the sky change the colour in the room is changing too.
The first part of the text is something that feels really weird. It sounds logical that when humans are staying at home and the cars stay in the air is become better. But that is not the truth.

It is not about shrinking the population but more about the big difference between poor and rich. During this pandemic it is really important to work together and give the people who are the most effective a save place to live during this situation.
Marta Iwanek,
Inspiratie and research
Listen to each other and being one in those times is something that is super important for
Places where my collaborative publication can be posted
During my research about what my publication should look like and what I think was interesting about all the assignments the connection with the sky became bigger.

I want to create a place where people can be alone but not feeling alone. That's the same as when you look up to the sky.

I look in my village where I could public my collaborative publication to create a place where you're not alone.
What is the most important place for me? I think creating a place that is really public can make my idea's stronger. The bus stop is a place where you are waiting and that can give a nice feeling.
The work of Martha is an inspiration to give the sky a different meaning. While I was listing to the story of the survivors of the people who died with the MH17 air crash. Those stories creating a different view to the sky.
Those answers are coming from a girl who is born in Indonesia and lives in Rotterdam for 2 years now.
Know people who you don't know before.
Us open space to show your ideas and thoughts.
Excersise 5 - Going public or going underground
Wide reach of people.
Doing new thing that you never did before.
New conversations how can give you a different view on a curtain topic.
Reach maybe some times to much people that you didn't want.
Sometimes you do thinks that you maybe don't want to do.
Open spaces can be also a vulnerable and scary.
People how don't want to be disturbed.
You can so sometimes more than you can do public.
You can so sometimes more than you can do public.
The public that you reach is in a way more interested in your work.
The safe feeling can hold you on a certain point and is not really challenging.
Small reach of people.
Less publicity.
Less personal because you can do it anonymous.
This project in Amsterdam is a good social but also public example of how you can implement art in to a city. This project is created by different art institutions. With this project they want to bring the public spaces back and show all the people how live but also visit the city how importants those spaces are.
What I discovered is that also being public also really shows the end consumer of public what you can do for them and that you not only showing something but also want to help them or create a different atmosphere.
Banksy is an artist who works really in the underground. This work is for me a good example of how an artist can do something that he never would do when you works public.

By doing this the painting became more expensive but people were also shocked by what's happend with it.
Creating a shock in your work of something that people will remember for a long time can help to create a more valuable impact.
what are potential communication during this lockdown?
What are the ways how to spread or communicate a signal from your home? Where can you find an 'entrance' but also an 'exit'? Which place are you visiting during this lockdown and how can you use those locations for you circulative publication.
Social media platforms are one of the ways how I communicate my daily life in this lockdown. FaceTime to create a conversations with my friend, Instagram to show more people what I am doing. So that is also a more public way. But also Youtube can be a way how you can show thing what you are doing. For example project that I did who I can't show my classmates.
Route to my boyfriend
Route to my work
Route that I take for a run
More pictures of potential communication place in the part 5.2
Different routes that I take during cover-19
With my ideas for my publication in my mind I went biking on the three different routes. To create a view which places can help me to create a circulation publication I took pictures of the potential places.
Using drones to creates messages for the world. During this covid-19 situation everybody has to stay insight or around there homes. But with this ideas you can send messages true the whole country and maybe to the whole world.
Combination of underground and public. Because you don't know who it made but you know how it send.
Creating an interaction before my publication
Before I create my publication I want to have an interaction with the people in my neighborhood. By creating a poster I would like to provoke people to send there sky picture incl. the date, time and place. By doing this I can create for my definitieve circulation publication a map of the sky. Maybe first one of my village and later on one of the whole county or maybe the whole world.

For this publication I created this drawing with a few sentences where I explain my idea and why I'm doing this.

Main focus:
Interaction with the world to create a sky map were you feel that we are all together
Places in my neighborhood where I posted my poster. This way of working is a combination of public and underground. For my this is a way of working that I'm under the radar but on the same time I really want to interact with the pictures of the citizen in my neighborhood.
I want to use those places for my final publication that is less interactive than the first because you can sit under it and feel not alone. Ofcourse it would be super nice if people are going to share the places where you can sit to make it bigger than only in my neighborhood.
Created a Instagram pages for the pictures of people and show the places of the pictures.
Circulate the publication
After places my poster and a story on the instagram I've got 4 reactions, super nice to see that people want to create a place together without knowing that much.

To create a nice view of the pictures and the places I created posts on my instagram.
This is a pictures from my village. My idea was to create a map with pictures from my village. But later on I've got pictures from different places in The Netherlands. So I want to create one big map of the Netherlands.
18:36 - 24 oktober 2019, Oisterwijk
8:33 - 20 januari 2020, Singelgracht Amsterdam
A few days later already 7 people how send me sky pictures. What was super nice is that a friend in Australia picked up my posters and send a super cool picture too!
Excersise 6 - Final publication
By creating a mindmap with all the important parts of my research I could see what should be important for my final publication.
What is my thought of the sky?
If I look up to the sky it is something that is a bit mysterious. Nobody knows exactly what is above us. During this coronavirus situation the weather became nicer and the sky became cleaner. So the sky if on a way also communicating with us.

For me the movements of the clouds/sky showing that the world is still moving while we as human are in a lockdown. So I want to show with my publication that we are all under the same sky and seeing the same on the same moment.
Seeing the same at the same moment is really based on my village. During this lockdown we had a lot of beautiful sunset and people where posting that on instagram on the same moment. For me this felt as a part where we are connected and feeling not alone.
So the map is creating a different meaning. It is about the village where you are in that I put the pictures together to create a map of that moment with different pictures of the same sky at that moment.
Pictures from the same evening but from another place. I asked people through my instagram @onderdezelfdelucht to send pictures of a specific day. This day started with my own picture. For my end publication and contribution I would love to start with those two A4 publications.
What does the movements of the sky mean?
The earth and the sky are turning around each other. If you look from the sky to the earth (when you are in a plane for example) you see all busy people driving true the county.

But above the clouds you feel a certain quietness. This feeling is for me the same as when I look up to the sky. You see still the movements of the clouds or the light from the sun but you also feel that the world is for a few minutes calm.

During this quarantine we as human were at home and our life where on hold but the world was moving and to see that the sky is moving to it gives a feeling that we are all together under the same sky.
When I put down my publication it would be nice if people paste there pictures of that day next the my A4. With this way I can created a new sky where people can feel not alone anymore and feel that we are all in the same situation.

It would become a place where you can be quite for a few minutes and just realize that the sky shows us the movements of the world.
My final
I add on my final publication some more information to show people what the intention is of this publication.

The busstop is I think the best place to publish my project. People are standing still and can really think about this thoughts.
Pictures of my publication
I was looking to the busstop to see where I could paste my publication on the celling. I thought right above the bench to create an envoirment where people can rela on the bench and look up to the sky.
Feedback for final contibution
Printing is maybe hard for people so you should create a sort of performance at a certain time on a certain place where people can sit and see the sky that is created by all different people.

It can be a picture from the whole coronavirus period because to show what kind of movement the world makes during this changes.
Sitting at a busstop is in connection with time. So to paste it on the celling it will created an different meaning, not only about the sky but also about waiting.

For my contribution I would love to spread an invintation to my installation that I will create in Rotterdam.
Still the connection to Instagram can created an online part of my installation to show the different sky's become one but than they online version.

Final contibution

I grouped with Maya for the resit period. After all these months of isolation it was refreshing to work together again.
Since the lockdown was basically over for her, while I was already back in Armenia in a full quarantine, we couldn’t relate the COVID isolation of April anymore. First, we had the idea of doing a projection mapping and sharing thoughts of people on buildings, so basically having the contrast of small bits of personal thoughts on big, uncomfortable spaces. This took us to a conversation about our current situations, and we realized that, in a way, we have similarities in our background: some current political heat, the socialist past, a lot of abandoned spaces.
We thought it’s more relevant and more open (educational, why not) to combine our current situations, common historical past and connect our project to it.

Also, we noticed how the quarantine detached people from the world, as everyone was literally interacting with their own close, small environment (room, laptop screen), so we wanted to create a space where people could just share simple images from their lives and see, learn what life is like in other parts of the world.

We thought of making collages with all these scenes/buildings and distribute it as posters around with short texts about human survival/class struggle/social conditions, however, not in a very sophisticated way.
For collecting images and sharing with people, we thought opening an Instagram and taking people’s submissions of places they live in, or just images from their city that mean something to them. This could be an Instagram page for instance. That would also allow to create a network and share personal images of scenery, to make these collective images (collages) and talk about really simple, human actions and encourage humans to share their visual environments with each other and think about questions, especially after/during a pandemic that has made us question a lot.

Our audience is every citizen, every person who evern walks around or just wonders how people further than they are living.