Hi, and welcome on my page.
My name is Femke Sannen.
I am a creative
I am always looking around with my sparkling eyes.

Prickles and sounds everywhere
I never had seen enough.

Just see things
Good things, bad things

They made me jump and run
From project to project
From concept to design
From Zundert to Rotterdam
And even to Assen

But can you look deeper?
Behind the smile

Sometimes I doubt
Sometimes I am unsure

Can I do this?
Yes I can.
Friends, thoughts, quotes, keep me up.

But, I am never on the foreground,
I am fucking stubborn
I shut up if there is no need to say something. I speak when there is a need.

I am an Advertiser,
I am a second years Advertiser with a strong opinion.

Because I am always looking around with my sparkling eyes.
"The massive containment and isolation of the domesticated/connected subject has as its twin the mobile/disposable subject that constitutes the system of distribution for a new pandemic economy."   
Relation between design and social change.
Starting with 4 theses:

Victor Papanek
Ezio Manzini
Arturo Escobar
born in 1952

What is something what you do now everyday and before not?
Tricky, there is nothing I do every day and not before. If you are going to watch several times a week, it is more often running, taking the dog out every day and I try to keep in touch with everyone more actively (not that it always works, but try it).

What do you miss the most before the corona time?
The things you cannot make / have at home, so think of a nice cappuccino, cocktail. In addition, I had missed the football and the work! And a day away, because it is very special I found out.

What do you learned from this panamedic?
You don't always have to go out to have a good time! Actually we never opened a bottle of wine with friends at home and that happens now and then. Have a drink, play a game. You appreciate the little things much more.

What do you think about that you would never have thought about otherwise?
I have been away for a long time (Efteling) and I appreciated this much more than I would normally do. It is quite special to be able to go and enjoy a whole day and this was previously seen as something 'normal'. While a day in Efteling is not very normal, that may well be something.

What is your most weird experience with communication in this time?
I don't know if this is what you mean, but to keep in touch with our football team, we now vlog every day. Every day it is someone else's turn and the next one is nominated again. You briefly talk about what your day looks like now, whether you are still fit, your work / school environment etc. This is a very nice insight into the life of your teammates, while this is normally not really discussed. Amazingly fun.

What is your view on corona beer now?
My view of Coronabier is still the same. It's not that I would drink it less. However, I did not drink much Corona beer in advance, but that bit that is consumed is not changed easily.
1. We live in a world where everybody has to design and redesign their existence. (systems)

2. Cosmopolitan localism (Wherever you are, you can feel your comfortable, feel home and work from that place. (local, global)

3. design experts thus become part of creating the conditions for collaborative social change.

4. All of the above takes place within an international conversation on design, intended to transform the cultural background for both expert and nonexpert design work.
To substantiate this hypothesis, (hierarchy) Manzini introduces two useful distinctions.

“everything that expert design can do to activate, sustain, and orient processes of social change towards sustainability”

Scenarios take on a double character: they are based on social innovation, and they are also intended to create the conditions for social innovation. What results is “an ecology of collaborative encounters” (118); in this context, society becomes
“a laboratory for new ways of being and doing”

Design for transitions

Dialogic --> Conversation
Dialogism --> Change possible what you never could do alone.

Art & Design
I am a designer.
I am an artist.

How do you purpose yourself? (Try & play with it) 
Game artist Advertising artist
Game designer Advertising designer

1. Problemsolving vs Sensemaking
Clothes get dirty, so I need to make a chair.

2. Diffuse (everyone is endowed with the ability to design) and expert design(to professional design knowledge.)

Design for social innovation

How can we achieve the life we want to live?

Metacultuur ----> Pluriversum

The Corona Reboot
Ian Alan Paul

The text compares to a computer reboot button.
It shows the good sides of the corona, but also the bad sides. It gives a mirror to the world. This is the first time in history that we use kind of networked society.
In this time, we are locket and people reacting fast but so different. For the world it looks it's gonna be cleaner, but there is more trash. We order a lot more. So also DHL workers have drive a lot more and work faster.

What is something what you do now everyday and before not?
- the casual spontaneity
(By this I mean that you can spontaneously do everything that comes to mind, where and with whom)
You have to think about everything.

What do you learned from this panamedic? 
That we can only fight or contain this disease together. By
following the rules well.

What do you think about that you would never have thought about otherwise?
That despite everything it is also a good time,
We enjoy you more because we are more together with our family.

What is your most weird experience with communication in
this time?
The demonstration yesterday in Amsterdam! To cry!

What is your view on corona beer now? 
The corona beer used to be there as the virus,
I hope the people who like it “can drink it with taste”

1 What is something what you do now everyday and before not?
Due to the COVID-19 situation I am staying more at home, and, therefore I am saving time. Within the time I have left I am trying to find some relaxation by reading books, watching movies/series, and playing games on my mobile or Nintendo Switch. Next to that, I am walking with my dog daily for an hour this in order to keep moving.

2 What do you miss the most before the corona time?
What I miss the most is the quality of living, with this I mean undertaking different activities with friends and family.
In addition, I really miss the fact that you can’t give friends/family a hug or a hand when you are happy to see them or when you would like to be for them, especially when they are struggling with family losses.

3 What do you learned from this panamedic?
Due to COVID-19 I appreciate the things I had more than when I had them. This because these elements were naturally to do, such as going out, and now I really appreciate the freedom we have in our country.
What I learned more is that things can change very quickly because from one day to another we had lessons at home and we were in home isolation.

4 What do you think about that you would never have thought about otherwise?
I was already aware that we are living in a free country in which we can do what we want. However, I have learned that if you have not much money to spend, or no freedom, that life can be quite boring. This because you cannot undertake activities in that case and then you miss the quality that life brings. I think that is very sad/

5 What is your most weird experience with communication in this time?
The fact that everything is communicated online is already weird because I prefer to speak people in person. In addition, things can be interpreted very differently via online channels and that is a struggle we are all dealing with, I guess.
However, it is fun that you get to know another side of people that you would not

Positive, what do you take with you? After all the negative, I just want to know from people what they have learned from this time. Everyone experiences Corona experiences in their own way. I think there are not only negative sides to corona.
I think this stop is good for people. Not that people die, absolutely not, but I agree to look back at what you have, what makes you happy and therefore these questions.

Natural communication
After this, we still not doing a stap back.

My vision
Vision Femke on nature, people and animals

The planet is for nature, animals and humans. These three concepts are the same for me and should be balanced in my opinion. Man is therefore originally part of nature.
But right now I think that man is taking the upper hand. We continue to innovate, innovate, and all man wants is more more more more. As soon as animal species disappear, we feel guilty and attracted. But we still want the upper hand. At that time, other species have to make that.

In my opinion, humans certainly belonged in nature, but are they now going too far with everything in hand, (humans have the means to survive anywhere on this planet) and I think now nature says, stop you get too much power. A few steps back. There is awareness in man, but too little is being done about it, and we see too little need at the moment.

conclusion, man belongs on the planet, and should absolutely not disappear, but dim it.

The poor are always punished first. And you come to the economic system. At this point, I think we have the resources, the knowledge to make everyone survive, but we choose scarcity (money) to do the work that would otherwise be done.
Sitting in nature.
After an interesting discussion in the class and the teachers about our idea, came one of the teachers with the advice to sit 60 minutes in nature. Just look around, listen, and watch what happend. So I spent almost an hour in our small garden.
I never though that it was so inspiring. Nature is never standing still and I saw, it was breathing. The wind is blowing, you see small insects working, flowers enjoyed the sunshine. I already expect that, but with doing this, it was taking me back to my childhood. I always have a lot of respect for nature. But when I was a child I could talk in my fantasy with everything.
And thought that I knew what nature was thinking. That gave me a lot energie and a place from freedom.
For now, it gave me a lot inspiration about how nature is communicating with us, and eachother.
+ Open actions
More attention
Conversation piece
You got more feedback
It's out of your comfort zone
+ underground actions
Good targeting
In your space
- Open actions
You don't have control about it
Hard to target
Negative thoughs going viral if the action is not good.
- underground actions
A few people see what happens.
Thank Corona on behalf of nature by using nature itself as a means of communication.
We to make a step back to make steps forward
Offline/ Nature
Business life
Create awareness of the positive outcomes of covid for change
This was a small excersice about framing in the advertising less.

You see my Magic Mouse as scale and on the scale is on one side an appel, and on the other side a wallet. My question was, what's more important? I think, in this Coronacrisis, you see how important become money. I think it's really depressing to see that.
What is something what you do now everyday and before not?
I speak to my friends almost all day, normally every other evening for a bit.

What do you miss the most before the corona time?
Being able to work and just go places

What do you learned from this paramedic? 
Being inside isn't as fun as it seemed for so long.

What do you think about that you would never have thought about otherwise?
Having 0% to do.

What is something what you do now everyday and before not?
My lifestyle has not really changed much, but in the shops I pay more
attention to distance.

What do you miss the most before the corona time?
I miss going out the most.

What do you learned from this panamedic?
That we should be more careful if something of a
virus breaks out and don't think it will be easy.

What do you think about that you would never have thought about otherwise?
Keep your distance in the shops.

What is your view on corona beer now?
Still a nice beer.

What is your most weird experience with
communication in this time?
Most people are easier to contact than an average day before Corona.

What is your view on corona beer now?
Corona beer hasn't really changed, just became a bit more funny.
have known otherwise.

6 What is your view on corona beer now?
Due to the whole COVID-19 situation I associate corona as something negatively because it is not a happy period within my, and other peoples lives. This because a lot of people died and were sick and that we were isolated within our homes. In addition, it brought a lot of fear and insecurities.
So, when I think about corona beer I relate it with something negatively.
Spread just like the virus

I grouped with Maya for the resit period. After all these months of isolation it was refreshing to work together again.
Since the lockdown was basically over for her, while I was already back in Armenia in a full quarantine, we couldn’t relate the COVID isolation of April anymore. First, we had the idea of doing a projection mapping and sharing thoughts of people on buildings, so basically having the contrast of small bits of personal thoughts on big, uncomfortable spaces. This took us to a conversation about our current situations, and we realized that, in a way, we have similarities in our background: some current political heat, the socialist past, a lot of abandoned spaces.
We thought it’s more relevant and more open (educational, why not) to combine our current situations, common historical past and connect our project to it.

Also, we noticed how the quarantine detached people from the world, as everyone was literally interacting with their own close, small environment (room, laptop screen), so we wanted to create a space where people could just share simple images from their lives and see, learn what life is like in other parts of the world.

We thought of making collages with all these scenes/buildings and distribute it as posters around with short texts about human survival/class struggle/social conditions, however, not in a very sophisticated way.
For collecting images and sharing with people, we thought opening an Instagram and taking people’s submissions of places they live in, or just images from their city that mean something to them. This could be an Instagram page for instance. That would also allow to create a network and share personal images of scenery, to make these collective images (collages) and talk about really simple, human actions and encourage humans to share their visual environments with each other and think about questions, especially after/during a pandemic that has made us question a lot.

Our audience is every citizen, every person who evern walks around or just wonders how people further than they are living.